
The Union office is located above Kenmac’s  Auto Parts.

Honk if you see us working there.

Our Mailing Address:   Unifor Local 1119

1045 Gibsons Way

Gibsons, BC

V0N 1V0

Phone Numbers:     

Unifor 1119 Gibsons Office     604-886-2722

Fax                                      604-886- 2713

Mill Site Union Office              604-882-2477

President                  cell      604-740-2213

The Union office has a main meeting room, an office area with two work stations, and a storage room that contains oodles of information from union activities over past years.

The storage room also houses a server as well as a workstation that can be used when all other rooms are occupied.

The Labour Council meets in our office every month.

When we have gate votes, this office is open for voting for those on days off or off shift.

 The Union office is not staffed on a regular basis so if you need to get in touch with someone, consult the executive list under Staffing.

Keep all correspondence respectful. Only the president gets paid, so if you want to scream at him, that’s OK. (Not too loud, he took a cut in pay to do this.)

Unifor 1119

Formerly Communications, Energy, Paperworkers Union